Washington Examiner: States must have zero tolerance for female genital mutilation
Real Clear Policy: Trial Attorneys Abuse Consumer Protections
The Opinion Pages: The Preying Practice of Trial Lawyers Must Stop
RealClear Politics: Save Afghan Women and Girls
The Hill: Maryland police have a tough road ahead
Baltimore Sun: Union politics hurt Maryland students
IWF: My Mom: The Warrior
Washington Examiner: Even in the U.S. Hundreds of Thousands of Girls are at Risk for Female Genitalia Mutilation
Fox News: I still stand with Brett Kavanaugh — and here's how we can fight back against smears and lies
Washington Examiner: The Violence Against Women Act must also must also combat female genital mutilation
Washington Examiner: Top female GOP senators just introduced a bill to fight the abhorrent practice of female genital mutilation
Fox News: I Stand with Brett Kavanaugh
Marsha Blackburn news: Blackburns Hosts Women's Empowerment Roundtable
Real Clear Politics: GOP Sounds Alarm After Women Candidates' Losses
New York Times: As Kavanaugh Moves to Final Vote, Still No Resolution on Hill Harassment Legislation
The Federalist: Women Are Not Too Stupid Or Emotional To Bypass Evidence When Considering Assault Allegations
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Live Webinar | Primary Season: How Super Tuesday and Critical State Primaries Elevate Policy Choices
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